Corporate Breathwork
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Why Corporate Breathwork?
The answer is stress. We all have it and the places that are causing it are at home and at work. No matter what your job and what you do, all companies have stressful elements to them, but these days with technology the work day has become extended into our homes and the blurred line has created a daily environment of high stress. Breathwork is the perfect tool to clear out some of that stress and not only get more out of your employees, but create a bond that will encourage people to want to do better and work more cohesively as a team.
Breathwork’s many advantages will also give you a creative edge over the competition because once you release your stress, you have more energy and room for creativity which leads to clearer thinking and sharper focus. It’s a short cut to working smarter.
The physical research is in; it lowers blood pressure, improves focus and concentration, strengthens your immune system, there are less sick days and better work days. We all have emotional baggage and it affects every aspect of our lives.
Breathwork is designed to lighten your emotional daily load and not only will your employees be more productive but they will be happier in their own lives. It is truly a win/win that will benefit them in every aspect of their lives. There is not one person who can’t benefit from this practice.
We know that stress is a killer and for our health and well-being we owe it to ourselves and to our employees to provide ways to reduce the stress that has taken over our lives. When we begin to release that stress, we start to make positive shifts at home and at work.
You will notice a visible difference in your employees demeanor, as well as, their productivity.

What can I expect during a Corporate breathwork session?
Breathwork is totally experiential and it’s not only a different experience for everyone, it is different every time you do it. The experience depends on however you enter it on that day at that time, the instructor, the playlist and your willingness to participate. What you can expect after every session is to come away with an open heart full of gratitude and a new perspective if you are ready to commit to the technique.
Why Jon Paul?
Like anything that can create a positive shift in your life, it takes effort. It is, after all, called Breath-WORK. It is simple, but you have to engage in it to reap the benefits. With anything new there is always some resistance, not everyone is going to be on board. This is where Jon Paul excels. Jon Paul’s approach is perfect for the corporate sector because he has a no-nonsense approach that the business community has embraced. He has a gift for leading the most resistant people to an incredible awakening. You don’t have to want to do it, you just need to show up, the results are both UNDENIABLE and IMMEDIATE.
Things both you and your employees may experience as a result of Breathwork:
- The ability to manifest greater abundance
- Relief from physical pain
- Massive stress relief
- Deep relaxation
- Better digestion
- Sharper focus
- The ability to break free of old patterns and behaviors
- Strengthened immune system
- Better sleep
- Reduced stress, depression, and anxiety
- The ability to quiet the internal critic
- A massive connection to creativity and confidence
- Lower blood pressure
- A release of toxins from the cells of the body
- A greater sense of emotional balance
- An overwhelming sensation of gratitude and joy
- A deeper bond and sense of community among employees
- Energized employees
- A boost in morale
How does it work?
You simply lay on your back in a comfortable position with nothing under your head. Jon Paul creates a specific and thoughtful playlist for each class to help motivate, relax and release anything that is “stuck”.
Before the breathing begins Jon Paul will guide you through the process and explain the physical, emotional and spiritual elements of the practice. He will explain how it can feel challenging in the beginning but his assurances make it easier to commit and he laughingly assures us all that hopefully we have all done tougher things in our life than lay on the floor breathing.
Jon Paul wants everyone in his class to have the best experience and biggest awakening possible, so he creates each session in mind by giving each person an experience that is not only powerful, but one that can be the most profound experience of their life, even the very first time.
What do we need to facilitate the workshop?
A room big enough for everyone to lay on the floor comfortably. Enough mats and/or blankets per person. A sound system to crank the music during the breathing.
Eye masks are optional but highly suggested as it is easier to tune out the other people. Let Jon Paul know if you want him to bring some.
The most important thing to bring is an open mind and the willingness to show up and breathe.
What does is cost?
Pricing varies depending on if it’s via Zoom or in-Person, Location, expenses (Airfare, Hotel, Meals etc.) depending on what is required and how many people are participating. Options range from a class to a workshop or a full day to multiple-day retreats in the United States or internationally.
Email or Contact 310-625-6751 for more details and booking information or use the form below.